For many of us, a good night's sleep is as elusive as unicorn farts. 

It can feel like no matter how hard we try, getting good quality sleep remains out of reach. However, you can take some practical steps to create the perfect bedroom environment for a good night's sleep. 

Let's explore all the elements needed for the perfect bedroom atmosphere – from the type of bedding to conducive lighting levels and more. 

Read on to discover how to design the ultimate sleeping space that guarantees a peaceful and restful slumber.


Create the perfect bedroom environment for a good night's sleep

The benefits of creating a relaxing bedroom environment

When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, our bedrooms play a big role. The environment of our bedrooms can either promote or hinder relaxation and restfulness. There are many benefits to having a relaxing bedroom. 

  • It can help reduce stress and promote feelings of calmness and well-being. 
  • A relaxed bedroom environment can also improve your sleep quality, helping you wake up feeling rested and refreshed. 
  • A calming bedroom can provide a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

What to look at to create the perfect bedroom environment for a good night's sleep?

To have the perfect bedroom environment for a good night's sleep, there are several key factors that you should keep in mind. 

  • The temperature of your room.
  • The lighting in your room.
  • The noise level in your room.
  • The comfort of your mattress, pillows, and bedding. 
  • The scent of your room.
  • The look of your room. 


Let's take a closer look at these aspects. 

The role of temperature in creating a comfortable sleep environment

A comfortable sleep environment is key to getting a good night's sleep

The ideal room temperature for sleeping is between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. This may vary depending on individual preferences, so experimenting is important to find what works best for you. 

The humidity of your room can also impact your sleep. 

Too much humidity can make you feel uncomfortable and sweaty, while too little can dry your nose and throat, leading to sleep disruptions. 

Again, finding the right balance will vary from person to person. Still, a room with 30-50% humidity is generally ideal for sleeping.

The importance of lighting in creating a sleep-friendly bedroom

Lighting is one of the most important factors in creating a sleep-friendly bedroom environment. The right lighting can help you wind down at the end of the day and prepare for a restful night's sleep.

Avoid any harsh or bright lights. 

These can be jarring and make it difficult to relax. Instead, use softer, dimmer lights to create a more calming atmosphere.

Consider the type of lightbulbs you're using. 

Fluorescent bulbs emit a lot of blue light, disrupting your sleep cycle. Instead, use incandescent or LED bulbs, emitting softer yellow-toned light. 

Consider dimmer switches.

This will allow you to control the room's light level, so you can set it to suit your needs. 

Invest in a small warm reading light. 

Avoid overhead lights and blue-hued light from electronics, as these can stimulate the brain and make it difficult to fall asleep.

Ways to reduce noise in your bedroom for better sleep

Noise can be a major obstacle to a good night's sleep, from the sound of traffic outside to the noise from your partner snoring.

  • Try using window treatments like curtains or blinds to help block noise out. 
  • Consider investing in a white noise machine or earplugs to help drown out the sound. 
  • Use softer materials in your bedroom, such as rugs or fabrics, to help absorb sound. 
  • Ensure any electronics in your room are turned off or set to silent mode, so they don't keep you up at night.
  • Sleep on your side instead of your back to reduce snoring. For stubborn snorers, there are special mouthpieces that can help open the airway and reduce snoring.

Choosing the right mattress and pillows for a good night's sleep

A good mattress, pillows, and bedding are essential for a comfortable and restful night's sleep.

When choosing a mattress, it's important to consider your sleeping position and any health conditions that might affect your comfort. For more on sleeping positions and mattresses, read this!

Pillows are also important for a comfortable night's sleep, so don't settle for anything.  

For bedding, linen or cotton sheets are ideal, as they're breathable and won't trap heat.

Aromatherapy in the bedroom

Introducing aromatherapy into the bedroom can create the perfect environment for a good night's sleep. Essential oils can help reduce stress, ease anxiety, and promote calm and relaxation.

  • Add a few drops of essential oil to your pillowcase before bed.  
  • Use a diffuser with an essential oil such as lavender or chamomile. 

How to organise your bedroom to promote relaxation and rest

When your bedroom is filled with clutter, it can hamper your ability to feel calm and relaxed. To help you sleep soundly through the night, follow these tips for organising your bedroom:

  • Make the bed each morning. 
  • Keep clothes off the floor. 
  • Put away any electronics. 
  • Declutter regularly. 

For more tips to improve your sleep, visit our blog today!